The last thing you need when your company is strapped for cash is to pay more for your gas and electricity. Yet a bad credit rating means energy will often cost you more at a time when you’re already in a tricky financial position. Inenco puts you back in control as we partner with suppliers who don’t require a credit check.
We work in collaboration with suppliers who provide flexible payment options, allowing our customers to choose their preferred payment method. So, if you want to pay monthly by direct debit, pay as you go or on receipt – we’ve always got you covered!
Inenco don’t determine price based on your line of business or your credit rating. Whatever payment options you choose, the price you pay stays the same. Our contracts enable you to avoid estimated or large unexpected bills.
Whatever your situation, we guarantee a 100% acceptance rate for a business energy contract, call us for a solution that gives you the freedom you need to carry on running your business.
We ensure the overseeing of the transfer, supply and delivery of your energy so you can get on with the more important things.
Working with specially chosen partners means we can provide you with free smart meters so you can see your energy usage and spend in real-time, meaning no more estimated or large unexpected bills, helping you manage your cash flow and stay debt free.