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  • We provide support to over 500 businesses for energy and carbon management

Net Zero : A time to act

17th October 2023

The findings offer an indication of trends supporting change and the future of sustainability, as well as the key driving factors underpinning the agenda.

A survey from Inenco and Manufacturing Management

In conjunction with Manufacturing Management, we have undertaken a survey of Manufacturing Management’s readers in order to ascertain UK manufacturing’s state of readiness when it comes to meeting Net Zero targets for carbon emissions.

The findings, suggest an alarming lack of preparedness among many respondents and a distinct lack of leadership on this key issue.

The report also features analysis of the findings by Paul Fanning, Editorial
Director of Manufacturing Management and recommendations by Jordan Rassas, Head of New Business, Inenco.

To find out more about this survey and how you can address your Net Zero targets download the report today.

Sustainable Energy First, has acquired Inenco.

The acquisition brings together two businesses with one common objective;
to make truly renewable
energy more accessible to businesses of all sizes helping them achieve their Net Zero targets.

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To find out more about this acquisition please click the button below.