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Switch off for Christmas

It’s that time of year again when we’re all winding down for the festive period. And as important as it is to switch off from work and relax (if your business allows), it is also important to switch off unused equipment within your business.

No matter the length of time you are closing down for the festive period, there are actions small businesses can take in order to switch off and save over Christmas. Here are a just a few:

Turn it off!

Everyone knows that equipment and appliances left on standby or are switched on at the plug drains unnecessary energy, yet we still do it in the workplace and at home. There really is a simple solution – switch it off, or better yet, unplug it! From PC’s to fridges, office equipment accounts for a large percentage of electrical energy used in all UK offices – it is expected to account for 30% by 2020.

Christmas cracker jokes always entertain at this time of year. Here’s a good one: Why would you light up an area not being used whilst everyone breaks away for Christmas? You wouldn’t! Funny, right? What is funny is how often this happens. It’s a waste of energy and your money. So, turn it off (with the exception of security lights, of course)! Alternatively, you can install a motion detector. If you have to leave any lights on, make sure you’ve made the swap to LED bulbs.

As well as turning off, you can also turn down…your heating. Turning off your heating whilst your business takes a break is the most energy saving solution, however, when the temperature drops, it can result in frozen pipes and nobody needs that to deal with in the new year! So simply turn it down or set your thermostat to switch on for short amounts of time when the temperature drops.

Some not so merry stats:

  • A photocopier left on standby overnight wastes enough energy to make 30 cups of tea!
  • A PC monitor switched off for one night saves enough energy to microwave six meals!
  • A computer left on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double decker bus!

Channel your inner Scrooge!

It isn’t just the responsibility of the business owner to put the above into action, you need to spread the word to your employees and get them onboard. We’re not saying you should have your workforce working in icy conditions like Mr Scrooge, but the message needs to be clear. You can raise awareness with posters, internal emails, incentives etc.

Make it clear that the business needs to switch off or at least turn it down for Christmas.

New year review

If you have equipment timers or smart meters installed in your business, you will be able to see how much you saved whilst your business closed. You’re bound to be pleased with the results and savings. What better way to kick start your new year? Even though you may be adding a few extra pounds to your waistline over the Christmas break, you could save pounds on your energy use.

Food for thought

Christmas day is notoriously the cheapest day for energy usage in businesses. But the question is, why only on this day? When you make the special effort to switch off over the Christmas period this year, why not do it on all of your ‘shut down’ days, like the weekends for example? This could be a new year’s resolution.

Inenco’s team of experts are on hand to offer their expertise. For advice on how your energy deal or supplier may be affected this winter, or to discuss your energy efficiency objectives, call us on 0800 408 1499 or email

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