eBay and Gumtree latest to be hit with ESOS fines
Household name firms eBay and Gumtree are among the latest companies to face penalties for failing to comply with ESOS.
The Environment Agency (EA) fined each company a total of £12,150 for failing to comply with their ESOS reporting requirements. So far, the EA has taken punitive action against 15 companies in relation to ESOS, with fines ranging from £1,560 to £45,000, making a combined total of £157,770. Amdocs, a software and services firm, has been issued the highest fine at £45,000.
Failure to comply with ESOS can result in fines up to £50,000, and/or a fine of £500 per day of non-compliance for a maximum of 80 days.
SMEs see savings from ESOS
Over half of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that carried out an ESOS audit saw financial savings as a result.
According to Government research, four in five SMEs that conducted an ESOS audit took action on their recommendations, with two-thirds implementing at least one energy efficiency measure. Two-thirds managed to save over £200 within a year.
The most commonly implemented efficiency measure, which 58% of SMEs carried out, was installing more efficient lighting, while 50% improved the energy efficiency of their heating system and 46% made improvements to their building insulation.