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A day in the life of the future Utilities Manager

Last month, we launched our latest research ‘The Future Utilities Manager’: a report which provides insight into how the role of the Energy Manager will change by 2030. Here, we look at what a typical day in the role of the Utilities Manager of the future will look like.

Who are the Utility Managers of 2030?

The future Utilities Manager will be a data scientist. Their role will be more senior within the business and involved in more strategic investment decisions. Energy, water, waste, health & safety and environmental regulations will all fall under the remit of the utilities manager, making closer working relationships with operations and maintenance teams a necessity.

He or she will be a digital native, using their IT skills to their advantage. This will allow for more efficient use of data and thus more effective decision making. You can meet Jake, your future Utilities Manager here.


A typical day

The Utilities Manager of the future won’t be covering the same activities that they spend time on today. Less time will be spent on site, as a greater depth of information will be available remotely. Their focus will shift to monitoring and decision making.

  • They will have to make more strategic investment decisions
  • They will have a higher-level of technology awareness and ability, using AI to aid decision making
  • They will be tasked with optimising plant life-cycle and finding opportunity within the circular economy.


Take a look at the below infographic to see what a typical day in the role of the Utilities Manager will look like in 2030.



If you’re keen to find out more about the future of the Utilities Manager, you can find the full report here. The report contains more information on the key changes seen by today’s Energy Manager, as well as helpful tips on the skills energy professionals should start working on today to future-proof their role.

If you want to know how to prepare yourself and your business for future changes in the energy industry, our team is always on hand to share their expert advice – just call us on 08451 46 36 26 or email

Sustainable Energy First, has acquired Inenco.

The acquisition brings together two businesses with one common objective;
to make truly renewable
energy more accessible to businesses of all sizes helping them achieve their Net Zero targets.

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To find out more about this acquisition please click the button below.