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Confirmation of changes to ESOS Phase 3

5th December 2023

The Environment Agency has confirmed the much-heralded changes to the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and also communicated that the changes required will apply to all reports, including those that have already been compiled. Therefore, for those organisations that have got ahead of the game, there will be a certain amount of reworking of the existing reports required. These requirements apply specifically to actions taken in terms of energy efficiency projects since the last ESOS compliance date, 31st December 2019.

The new regime will require the inclusion of the table of recommendations from the earlier report and a commentary on whether any action was taken as a result. These results must be included in the ESOS Assessment report and also in individual site reports. The Environment Agency has committed to publishing this information, including null returns.

You should already be reporting within your Streamline Energy and Carbon Report (SECR), energy efficiency actions taken within the previous year, so that may act as a useful reminder of the actions you have taken over the past two or three years at least.

The revised ESOS regulations also make provision for two additional pieces of work. These are not part of the existing 4-yearly ESOS Assessments, but follow on from them:

  • Within one year of submission of the Assessment, an Action Plan must be prepared and delivered: This refers to the opportunities identified in the Assessment and indicates if, how and when you intend to implement them.
  • Two Progress Reports must then be prepared, one in each of the two subsequent years, indicating the annual progress of the Action Plan

Formulating the Action Plan and Progress Reports is an additional activity that was not included in the previous Phases. However, it is a clear sign of the continuing ratcheting up of the regulatory framework to help improve energy efficiency to support the Government’s energy security priority and bear down on greenhouse gas emissions en route to the UK’s 2050 net zero commitment.

To find out how the experts at Inenco can help you with your ESOS reporting, please contact us at 08451 46 36 26.

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