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Inenco Winter Energy Report

Businesses are facing the tenth successive year of rising energy costs, largely due to the increase in taxes, levies and network ‘non-commodity charges’ that now make up 60% of a business’ energy bill.

Winter outlook

Over the past six months, volatility has returned to the wholesale market, pushing prices back to levels not seen for almost two years – in which time, noncommodity charges have risen by up to 25% for some organisations. Businesses now face the ‘double whammy’ of a rise on both sides of the bill.

As the Brexit deadline looms, many businesses are concerned about the upcoming political and economic changes and how their bottom line will be affected.

This report provides a forecast of energy costs using scenarios for three different business profiles – a medium-sized user, a large energy user currently in the CRC, and a major energy user with and without Energy Intensive Industries exemptions. The differing future energy costs between each profile shows the impact of differing non-commodity charges and exemptions, along with a demonstration of the steep curve that continues to rise.

Simply complete the form to download your free copy of our Winter Energy Report.

Sustainable Energy First, has acquired Inenco.

The acquisition brings together two businesses with one common objective;
to make truly renewable
energy more accessible to businesses of all sizes helping them achieve their Net Zero targets.

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