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Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

The Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) scheme was launched in April 2019.
Is your business affected?

What is SECR?

Streamline Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) is a replacement for the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme and requires organisations to report energy and carbon emissions in their annual report.

SECR has been introduced to make carbon reporting more transparent and to aid the goal of achieving a carbon net-zero target. The new regulation also extends the scope of the existing Mandatory Carbon Reporting regulations. It is a legal requirement for all eligible businesses.

Where the CRC applied to around 4,000 businesses, the SECR regulations apply to an estimated 11,900 companies across the UK, increasing awareness further through the need to gather energy data.

Who needs to comply with SECR?

This regulation applies to all quoted companies (those whose shares are listed on the stock exchange) and large UK companies with over 250 employees or annual turnover of more than £36m or an annual balance sheet of over £18m.

Public sector organisations are exempt from SECR, and private companies that can provide evidence that they use less than 40,000kWh in a year will not be required to comply.

What needs to be reported?

Large UK incorporated unquoted companies & LLPs must submit their energy consumption and emissions arising from UK electricity, gas, and transport. UK incorporated quoted companies must report as above, plus all onsite emissions (e.g., refrigerants, industrial gas emissions, fuel oil, LPG, coal etc) and overseas operations. Finally, organisations must report on the actions they are taking to increase energy efficiency.

SECR Reporting Guidance –

Benefits of our SECR service

  • Compliance: meet the requirements of SECR/Mandatory GHG
  • Cost-effective and efficient: combine with our bureau, Climate Change Agreement (CCA), Analyse & Act and other services
  • Reliable: robust data calculation by experts, following methodology in line with latest industry standards. Evidence Pack maintained in case of an audit
  • Make carbon visible: build your baseline and share performance with stakeholders
  • Reduce admin burden: minimise the requirement for energy data collection across your company
  • Build your energy & carbon strategy: keep track of trends, identify ways to improve data quality, expand reporting coverage, raise the profile internally with an executive summary presentation.

NEW: Download our complete guide to SECR

At Inenco we understand the complexity of compliance.

For those businesses that qualify many of you may have already completed a SECR report, some of you may have produced an actionable sustainability plan off the back of your report, and some may have simply filed it away with other pieces of mandatory reporting.

In this guide, we aim to outline the basics of how to achieve compliance but also address 3 key opportunities to deliver extra value from your SECR Report.


Reporting framework

What are businesses required to report?

Quoted companies already report on their global emissions and emissions intensity under the mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) scheme, which will continue. In addition they will also need to report on their global energy usage, including other Scope 1 sources (like refrigerants), and provide an intensity metric to demonstrate whether their energy usage has changed year on year due to increased growth or decreased energy efficiency.

Large, unquoted companies will be required to report their UK energy use, the associated Scope 1 and 2 emissions and an intensity metric. They will need to include electricity, gas and transport as a minimum within their energy use calculation.

Both quoted and unquoted companies must report on any energy efficiency measures they have implemented within the year, but they will not be obliged to disclose their ESOS recommendations and how they have acted on them (although this may change in the future). Scope 3 emissions – indirect emissions caused by the activities of an organisation, such as emissions from employee commuting or waste disposal – will be voluntary for all eligible organisations.

How should businesses report on their emissions?

In an effort to reduce the administrative burden of compliance on businesses, the Government has decided that reporting will be done through each company’s own annual reports. Electronic reporting to a central database will not be required from the outset, but this may become mandatory in the future.

Get in touch today


At Inenco, we’re keen to ensure that businesses have the support they need to meet their energy reporting requirements.


We have completed over 1,440 site surveys and identified 223,199 tonnes worth of carbon savings for our customers. We’ve helped businesses to identify potential savings of 495,338,992 kWh, with a combined total of £37,531,485 per annum – equating to 13% average kWh savings per organisation.


Get in touch with a member of our compliance team today ->

Sustainable Energy First, has acquired Inenco.

The acquisition brings together two businesses with one common objective;
to make truly renewable
energy more accessible to businesses of all sizes helping them achieve their Net Zero targets.

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