Inenco has helped to reduce site water volume by 69%, ensured that effluent discharge stayed within legal compliance limits and reduced effluent costs. Inenco estimate that by implementing the suggested actions we have reduced the manufactures carbon footprint by 6,200 kgCO2e per annum – the equivalent of the average annual carbon footprint of one and half homes in the UK.
Inenco introduced our partner company to assess the current effluent treatment process and recommend improvements. The client subsequently contracted our partner company to provide effluent chemicals and service the existing equipment at the site.
This resulted in an improvement in environmental sustainability performance through the reduction in the amount of effluent removed in tankers. The related ongoing cost reduction is currently estimated at 67% PA.
After a period of sampling and analysis on the effluent discharge, our delivery partnership suggested the installation of technology to further reduce effluent costs Cost reduction was estimate at around £7,000 PA. Inenco also identified a quick win and implemented urinal controls that provided a saving of £2,000 per annum.
Finally, missing volume was identified as two leaks, one above and one below ground. The volume of the leaks is estimated as circa 50% of site volume or £26,000 PA. Both leaks have been successfully repaired and have saved the client £38,000 per annum and resulted in a 69% volume reduction.