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Energy & Carbon Update – February 2017

News from Inenco’s energy and carbon compliance team

CCA: Inenco deliver huge savings

Inenco are assisting over 200 facilities with their CCA compliance requirements, ensuring final reporting for Target Period 2 is delivered prior to the sector deadlines during the first 3 months of 2017.

Inenco’s CCA management service maximises financial savings, ensures CCAs are structured correctly, and offers assistance to support companies achieve their required performance targets.

During Target Period 2, our clients are expected to realise savings of almost £500k from Inenco successfully negotiating target variations and changes, Across CCA’s Phase 2 in its entirety, we expect our service to save clients around £1.7 million.


CDP response invitations issued for 2016-17

The CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) has invited companies to respond to its annual reporting scheme. Respondents provide data on their GHG emissions and environmental performance, which is then used to produce a published score.

Almost 2000 companies respond globally, with over 250 companies in the UK taking part. Organisations that don’t respond to invitations are included in the publication of scores but are awarded an F!

Inenco work with a number of high-profile companies to maximise their CDP performance. Last year an Inenco client achieved one of the highest scores awarded.


UK GHG emissions for 2015 published

BEIS have published the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions national statistics, up to the end of 2015. There has been a year-on-year fall of 4% compared to 2014, a 38% reduction on the 1990 baseline, meaning that the UK is on track to meet its national target of a 34% reduction by 2020.

Energy (largely electricity) generation remains the UK’s biggest contributor, at 29%, although thanks to the replacement of coal-fired power stations with renewable and gas sources, its emissions fell by 12% in a single year.

Emissions from industry and commerce fell by 3%, largely owing to economic factors.
More information can be found here.


Other news

CRC audit success – Inenco have supported two more CRC clients through the Environment Agency CRC audit process. This comprises a thorough review of reported emissions, data, and compliance documentation. This brings the total of Inenco clients audited to over 40, with a 100% success rate.

Capacity Market Auction results – The National Grid has announced the provisional results from the EA Capacity Market auction for 2017. The clearing price is £6.95/kW per year, with agreements awarded to almost 54 GW of capacity, giving a total value of £380m worth of subsidy.

Sustainable Energy First, has acquired Inenco.

The acquisition brings together two businesses with one common objective;
to make truly renewable
energy more accessible to businesses of all sizes helping them achieve their Net Zero targets.

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